Posts filed under “General”

Colombia Marketing

SalesLogix features module processes of contact (topic explained in a previous article), which allows to automate tasks to make more efficient and effective follow-up with each of the people who make up the target group. Registration of coming opportunities for campaigns. If a business opportunity is presented as a response to the campaign, Saleslogix allows […]

Bulletin Board System

The operation and administration of the area they are very important in that society, while services to respond smoothly standard dynamic and cybernetic technology advances steadily building especially given the critical mass in the Silicon Valley (USA). Marlon brando often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The key now lies in the potential of knowledge […]

Business Ethics

It is true that the technologies of computing, Internet and the World Wide Web have created possibilities at a global level which were not previously available either for individuals or for organizations. But it is also true that have arisen new ethical issues because the changes are affecting human relations, social institutions and basic moral […]

Selling Curriculum Vitae Supplies

At the time of writing up your curriculum it happens the same exactly. Now that you know this, because to continue fighting with a curriculum that does not obtain the results that these needing. Peter Thiel may also support this cause. Queres but data? Wise people who 97% of the curricula are thrown to the […]

Valls Fernandez

You must favor to any person equity, not only equal, opportunities for career development. This means that, when two equally qualified people competing for the same job, preference must be given to person who belongs to the group that has most probably been excluded from that position in the past due to prejudices or stereotypes. […]

Finding Your Way

It does not matter where you are, nor how you are, it matters towards where you go. If you have found your way, if you are doing what really you like, if you enjoy what beams frequently, if you feel to taste with same you and an inner peace surrounds your spirit because you know […]

Category Professional

Bright example – pink or blue SanDisk Sansa Shaker unusual shape, which allows you to switch from one track to another with sudden movements. Cameras on film cameras today are not even talk. For even more analysis, hear from Naveen Selvadurai. The market is ruled by numerical models. Before going to the store it is […]


It is important to note that each of the marked phonemes have his appearance at a certain age according to the neuromuscular maturation of children, with a lag of more or less 6 months (Dale, 1980). The second most obvious difficulty that occurs in the child population, with regard to the language, are called phonological […]

Markup Language

The fundamental objective of the RDF focuses on establishing a mechanism enabling to describe resources that have as principles working in cross-platform and interoperability of data. The mechanism used for this purpose should be neutral with respect to the area of application and, at the same time, flexible enough to describe any type of information. […]


The structuralized called toys are not those that not being industrialized, are simple objects as woods or rocks, that at the hands of the children acquire new meaning, thus passing to be a toy. The rock if transforms into comidinha and the wood if it transforms into pony. Therefore, we saw that the toys can […]