Professional solutions for the care of patients with Alzheimer’s disease group Neat has developed specific solutions for patients with Alzheimer’s disease, both for patients and for their families and carers. Neat has a wide range of products for both home and the professional field in which Alzheimer’s patients need more specialized care. Within professional solutions of telecare and control of wandering, Neat has the Indoor location system, developed for nursing homes and care centres to learn where residents are at all times. Using this system each user has a bracelet that will record their passage through the arches that are deployed by the Centre. This will allow us to know the place in which it is located and its activity, and can analyze certain behaviors with these data.
Depending on the number of arcs that are installed, it may be determined with greater or less accuracy the place or area in which is located. The Indoor localization system has two software, localization and management of code modules. With the localization software module are displayed all positions that has passed the resident in a given period of time, allowing to identify the exact place in which it is located. Codes management module is designed to configure bangles in a personalized way to give access or restrict them based on the user profile, so when a resident pass through an access not allowed, there will be an alarm that will reach the D-TREX unit that carries the auxiliary, informing you when. You can configure the system to be used together with electronic locks that keep the locked doors that only open when approaching a bracelet he carries an Assistant with permitted access.