Electronic invoicing system provides innumerable benefits to practitioners, we can highlight the following advantages: 1. full fiscal and legal validity. 2 They have a very high ROI (return on investment). The costs of issuing and sending of paper invoices are estimated at 1.5 per invoice, addition also drastically diminish the costs of storage and query them. 3. Does not need a consent Express client (is a commercial theme), companies are interested in customers because they can integrate the information into their systems automatically saving the costs of introduction, reducing errors and gaining agility.
4 Increase the image of the company as a cutting-edge, modern and advanced company technologically. 5. The system allows companies to integrate invoices automatically into their ERP systems. 6. Marketing can improve the relationship with customers: evolution of consumption and billing queries, can offer to them comparative, etc., you can make submissions with the frequency that you want, you can add promotional content for customers intending to consult invoices, etc. 7.
By reducing the cost of billing can pose more easily most frequent billings that allow advance billing. 8 Speed and can enrich subsequent queries from customers, enterprise management, audits, finance, etc. 9 An important part of document management may need the company is being resolved. 10 Allows you to extend the system to other types of electronic documents with signature: car invoices, invoices from suppliers, orders, delivery notes, contracts, technical reports, etc. This is why, so sudespacho.net has developed a solution of invoice for professionals, Sudespacho.net is a leading company in management solutions for law firms and consultants, sudespacho.net provides software services for lawyers, software for consultants, website for offices, online, electronic invoice backup and adaptation to the regulations of data protection, being the first company launched Solutions Web software for law firms and consultants in the cloud in 2003.