Electronic Invoice

Electronic invoicing system provides innumerable benefits to practitioners, we can highlight the following advantages: 1. full fiscal and legal validity. 2 They have a very high ROI (return on investment). The costs of issuing and sending of paper invoices are estimated at 1.5 per invoice, addition also drastically diminish the costs of storage and query them. 3. Does not need a consent Express client (is a commercial theme), companies are interested in customers because they can integrate the information into their systems automatically saving the costs of introduction, reducing errors and gaining agility.

4 Increase the image of the company as a cutting-edge, modern and advanced company technologically. 5. The system allows companies to integrate invoices automatically into their ERP systems. 6. Marketing can improve the relationship with customers: evolution of consumption and billing queries, can offer to them comparative, etc., you can make submissions with the frequency that you want, you can add promotional content for customers intending to consult invoices, etc. 7.

By reducing the cost of billing can pose more easily most frequent billings that allow advance billing. 8 Speed and can enrich subsequent queries from customers, enterprise management, audits, finance, etc. 9 An important part of document management may need the company is being resolved. 10 Allows you to extend the system to other types of electronic documents with signature: car invoices, invoices from suppliers, orders, delivery notes, contracts, technical reports, etc. This is why, so sudespacho.net has developed a solution of invoice for professionals, Sudespacho.net is a leading company in management solutions for law firms and consultants, sudespacho.net provides software services for lawyers, software for consultants, website for offices, online, electronic invoice backup and adaptation to the regulations of data protection, being the first company launched Solutions Web software for law firms and consultants in the cloud in 2003.

Professional Translation

With the services of a professional translation company, you will have chance to get any kind of text translated with total reliability, and it is that with just send us the text you want to be in another language our translator agency responsible for passing it to another language you want. Translation company: A professional and expert team have expert professionals in different languages (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Danish, Polish, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Russian, Romanian.) and different themes (law, finances, science) with which you can get your document translated perfectly, is the language that is and anyone who is the subject. Our fantastic professional team as we said is able to translate texts of any theme and anyone that is the language of origin, so that from our translation company we are able to get the interpretation of texts of advertising, commercial, legal or personal perfection and without loosing an apex of the message transmitting the original text. Free translation quote request budget without commitment through our website, mail, or phone and we will offer you different solutions when translating the document that you want. Do not hesitate and contact us as soon as possible to be able to take advantage of our company specialized in language translation services.

Conference Calls

Cloud-based services have changed the way they interact for professionals. Professionals can operate with their partners abroad, launching a virtual conference in just a few clicks on the web. Whether it’s for a business, financial or a sales presentation information meeting, there is no need to organize internal meetings and bring together all partners in business together in the same meeting room. Conference call tool is an alternative to travel and displacement, and allows professionals to attend conferences from anywhere in the world, inside or outside of your Office. Popfax.com the global provider of unified messaging solutions has enriched its productivity features with the launch of a service call at Conference for their clients. The option was designed to facilitate the business communication through the connection of several professionals with a hosting service, in a single Conference. The process is very simple: the accommodation creates a conference call, invites to their participants calling the number dial-in.

The main advantages of the functionality of the Conference call by Popfax, in comparison with other conference calling services are as follows:-high resolution telephony quality: our service runs on high quality of the standard digital telephone network lines. That allows all participants having a good quality of incoming call, you can experience a conference call that can be heard clearly to all participants! -Accessibility throughout the world, offering local numbers, can be called in many countries: the same Conference can be accessed from various countries, without any additional cost. -Profitability: the Conference Organizer can choose between three types of prices: or the organized assumes 100% of the cost to offer free telephone numbers for input to participants. or the Organizer offers a Conference at the local level that can be called the participants to a geographic number in your country or area, or the caller pays: the organizer has no charge, inviting participants to call in the midst of some premium rate numbers that finance the service. -Safety: the organizer of the Conference call receives a notification by email indicating the start time of the Conference and the unique conference access code.

Subsequently, this private information can be transmitted to all participants. -Presentation of reports: a detailed report is sent to the email address of the host, which indicates the main statistics of the Conference. Popfax.com offers customers a cost-effective and service of very high quality conference calls. High quality sound and global accessibility are competitive advantages that help us to make our clients meetings a success, says Vladimir Popesco, general director of Popfax.

Professional Office

Of course you have the study of niche market made and these organizing the site. Where do you start? Well, the first thing you have to do is design a Web where the main action is subscribe to the greatest number of potential visitors. You can divide it in the following way: 1. who we are: Here you are going to fit all yours and your virtual business data as well as the privacy policies, moreover unto your virtual business and entregaras them your legal data. 2.

Of interest: here will place articles written by you the order that you have this section is not so much that visitors will read these articles but Google use it to improve the indexing of your virtual Professional Office. 3. Our offer: put here the list of products and services that you are going to market. When the visitor clicks on the link from the list you have to go into the Charter of sales of the product you are interested. 4 Faqs: Here you put the questions that your visitors may be that they are doing. That way you will dispel doubts them, before that they carry out. 5. Start: Here you sell one of the products most important that will have your virtual business.

That product is going to be your mini course by e-mail because one of the most important products? Simply because the is going to provide the prospects necessary to sell other products that are going to monetize your virtual business. On this page are going to sell them, the parents who visit you, your mini course by e-mail. This mini course will allow them to take care to her baby much more calm and safe. That is what you have to transmit them to the parents who come to your website. Where thou shalt put products?, here are five books? Here you can do two things, on the one hand you can register five domains and make a mini site with every one of them.


Therefore, clearly it makes sense do the calculation on a qualitative approach to everything in the first place to create personal Flash video player without advertising his own hands. About this and will be discussed below. But first, to avoid misunderstanding and everything fell in its place, here's a good example See, you have mounted your video. You have it in a hurry filled at one of the video resources, copied out the proposed code with advertising on the service, put on your site and relaxed. That is, you're on your connection speed to the internet to see your creation is not paying attention to advertising and freezes, hoping that its unchecked will see thousands of potential customers and be interested in your proposal.

Indeed, visitors and potential customers, who rate lower than your internet, you go to, click on Play, watch videos inhibitory, then shake on advertising in the player and go wander around the other does not thematic videos from the service. At the same time bring to your attention – they go away once and for all, because: 1. Video constantly retarding 2. Video quality after conversion – a very bad 3. At the end of watching the player you all while spinning different advertising, which makes your potential customer to click on it and leave your page.

Or in other words – this is called loss of potential customers and the image of your resource. Whatever quality and style your video was not, from him will not be leaning on when no one else sees. Or after agonizing waiting and watching will go for advertising on a competitor's site. Where is the exit from this situation? How to make so that the Flash-video is played fast in any of your future customers, even at the lowest speed Internet connection? Upon completion of thorough studies and audits conducted by us over the past three years, we have invented own algorithm, which allows you to create any great Flash-video-animation from scratch, which almost instantly downloaded to the very low speed connections to any sites on the Internet. So, now not necessarily be a genius to design their own original Flash-video-clips and professionally to position them in the network.

The Child

From a democratic option, it longs for to rescue the true social paper of the school and of the professor, this it estimates changes, either in the professional field, since, perpassa for the formation questions, remuneration and consequently valuation as well as, institucional that it includes number of pupils, adequate space and material satisfactory didactic. Some pedagogical profits as disinterest, indiscipline of the pupils, low learning among others of partner-economic order, permeiam the pertaining to school scope, ' ' se&#039 democratized ; ' the access to education, without democratizing the partner-economic improvement and being thus, the school loses its brightness and its enchantment. It agrees to affirm that the change will not occur of spontaneous form, is an extremely complex process and that it demands ability and comprometimento of all the agents who compose the community escolar' '. goes beyond: – ' ' If the time of the school is a boredom time where educator (…) and educators live the seconds, (…) to the wait of that the monotony finishes so that they leave risonhos for the life are there, the sadness of the school finishes for spoiling the joy of living (…) the child since very early, possesss a natural yearning to play, that is, it stops for in practical its abilities that they unclasp in increasing varieties of forms to explore itself proper and environment to its redor. In its way of ' ' brincar' ' , it expands a great amount of emotions, by the variety of tricks that however lives deeply, organizes its interior world in relation to the exterior, in many schools this desire to create and to imagine is substituted by mechanist techniques considered currently, exceeded. Valley to point out that the motor abilities are many that the child acquires throughout its development, helping it to develop it abilities in the diverse activities of its daily one.


I took this science so the serious one that I made a course and later I opted to exerting this professional activity. The Astrology allows me to carry through a deep work of self-knowledge, therefore when knowing my soul and understanding it, I have more capacity to know, to understand and to accept the people encircle who me as them they are, with all its accurate so marcantes characteristics and. In the Astrology one does not use expressions such as: it is good, he is bad, it has many qualities, or Aprendemos is full of defects that each one of us is a being in been constant of evolution spiritual. We learn to look at the person as a whole, therefore it is of the All that we come. After all, We are All One. The Astrology is perhaps one of esoteric sciences, that better can in such a way contribute for the development of the espiritualidade the personal level, as in the relations with the people who encircle in them. Studies of Great Schools of Thought, disclose that the Astrology, helps to brighten up karma through the study of the Map Astral of each one. It can be a indeed utopian idea, but it would be very good that in the schools they included the Astrology as it disciplines of esoteric science, for example.

Illustrious Thinkers had desired to carry through this project, however the dominant Religion Catholic, still today does not see the Astrology as a beneficial science and therefore, this project has been always rejected and ignored. These projects will be materialized in the day where to leave to have religions, dogmticas and preconceived ideas, therefore are through this type of ideas that are born the preconceptions and the hypocrisy. As it will be good when the Astrology will be one disciplines pertaining to school, the people will become more tolerant, concientious and comprehensive she stops with the others, for I even obtain same and had left of being so egoicas.

LondonMetal Exchange

It is noticed that the possibility of sereverter units of steel for aluminum exists or vice versa, with reduzidosinvestimentos (US$ 1 million, approximately); e) The main factor of competition is the cost of the dealumnio plate or steel, since these raw materials represent about 40% docusto of production of the cans; f) It is verified that the tinned steel plate has kept certaestabilidade in its price, while of aluminum, dependents of the price LondonMetal Exchange (LME), have presented significant oscillations. The superior LMEde prices aluminum the US$ 1.500.00/ton become the menosatrativas aluminum cans of what of steel, of the commercial point of view; g) In relation to aluminum, the recycling possibility daslatas if becomes a competitive advantage, therefore it allows substantial reduodo consumption of electric energy for the plate production new for cans. One notices that average index of recycling of aluminum cans, in termosmundiais, already reaches about 60%, to the step that the recycling of steel cans notem appeals economic; h) The manufacturers of the two types of cans, as well as osprodutores of plates, come promoting constant technological innovations nosentido of the reduction of the thickness and the weight of the cans, aiming at to a lesser emaior cost competitiveness; i) Beyond the cost, the logistic one is determinative factor for acomercializao of the cans, having the producing units to place prximasaos manufacturers of cooling beers and, since the cost of transporteinviabiliza the supplying of more distant markets; j) The market of the region Northeast, before dependent doabastecimento of proceeding cans southeastern, with raised cost detransporte, will have to also be equated for the units of the Lanesa (LatasNordeste s.a.) and of the Metalic, implanted in Recife and $fortaleza, respectively, projects these supported by the BNDES; k) In the region North and Northeast, the Metalic forms with the suaprincipal rival and competitor, Latasa s.a., a duoplio. The two principaisfatores that determine this market are: the cost of transport of latasda Southeastern region for the Northeast increases in 20,00/mil US$ cans and the perdasignificativa of the cans in the transport (Some estimates approximately indicate umraio of 500 economic distribution of km, between fbricade cans and the envasadora plant).

The Equipment

Some of wells in the plate are destined to place standards and controls. The standards allow to define the points of cuts (the controls are well-known amounts that are used to measure the success of the test, evaluating the data received against the concentrations established for each control. The process before described is common, although many tests of ELISA have variants. to 1.buffer of lavadoconjugado, elcut off). REQUIRED SERVICES So that the ELISA analyzer operates correctly, it is necessary to verify the following points: 1. A clean, free dust atmosphere. 2. A table of stable work.

The recommendable thing is that the same is remote of equipment that generates vibrations centrifugal, agitating, that has a suitable size that it allows to locate, next to the analyzer of ELISA, the complementary equipment required to carry out the technique in mention: washers, incubator, dispenser and computer with peripheral. 3. An electrical source of supply in agreement with the norms and standards implemented in the country. In the American countriesv and frequencies of 60 Hertz use generally 110 voltages of. Calibration of the ELISA analyzer The calibration of a ELISA analyzer is a specialized process that must realise a technician or engineer properly trained, following the instructions that the effect stops offers each manufacturer.

In order to carry out the calibration he requires himself to have a game of gray filters, which are mounted in a plate of equal geometry to the used ones to carry out the analyses. The manufacturers provide these filters and can be used to realise calibrations to any wavelength of which she uses the equipment. The calibration filters have at least three values of optical densidad, reestablished within the measurement ranks; one low one, one means and the last one, a high value.

Alston Train

Monterrey, N.L., Mexico. – After the privatization of National Railroads of Mexico in 1997 that even could cost the life to him to the leader Praxedis Fraustro Esquivel in 1993 the trains of passengers disappeared in a forceful backward movement in that sector. While the countries of first world bet to the quick trains, like which it finishes inaugurating just married Nicholas Sarkosy, President of France. One is a train constructed by the Alston company that reaches a speed of 360 kilometers per hour with a futurist design and a traction in each wagon that it eliminates the call spins a top of the train. If our Mexican and foreign industralists invested in trains of high speed for passengers, would round up the tourism towards the Mexican mosaic of province and would communicate better the towns to which he stopped serving. The trip to the City of Mexico in extinct the Regiomontano became in 14 hours and was a delight the trip for those who lives the life without the personal marking on the stress of the days of today. But the times have changed, doubtlessly, not therefore the mentality of our industralists who do not see profitable the train of passengers.

There per 1977, the called car Ultimo Government of the Revolution, tried to modernize the railroad but it projected derailed in the middle of ineptitude and corruption. They are the left electrical wagons in the city of Quertaro, like dumb witnesses on the last attempt of change of via. Imagnese: the chief of a main directorate of railroads was simultaneously the ferrocarrilero leader of the workers. Luis Go’mez Z., obtained so questionable feat. Although it is certain that the Mexican Revolution became to a large extent in railroad, also is it that Ernesto Zedillo Ponce of Leon buried the railway transport when being sold it to the industralists who use only it for the mobilization of merchandise. Thus, it will be necessary to go to Europe to travel in the trains of greater speed and comfort of our days, because in Mexico that use of transport is for familiar anecdote of oldest of the house. To the Carrier The damage to the rural towns that were isolated with the suspension of the train of passengers, not yet has been assessed. Original author and source of the article.