He is a honest, careful man, curious persistent. It believes that the causes produce effect. He does not appeal to another magical seno the patient inquiry, an enthusiasm without limits, a spirit without preconceptions and a notion extraordinary formulated of the mritos and capacities of plantas' well; '. To this point its bigrafos agree entirely. The deposition of Liberty professor made a tremendous one to mago well, therefore everything that circulated in the half academics its respect summarized it pejorativos rumors.
In the same half, specifically in the University of Stanford, it arrived to declare: ' ' The ortodoxia is one ancilose? nobody in house. For bigger information, it is directed the agent funerrio.' ' The aura that involved Burbank gained a new ratio in 18 of April of 1906, when the earthquake that for little devasta San Francisco completely did not reduce Santa Rosa the leached ashes, with an only exception: the glasses of the greenhouse of Luther had at least cracking. It judged that the same one was under protection of the cosmic forces that liven up the nature. The insupervel Hellen Keller, blind person and deaf person whose state of hardeness revolutionized the way of as the society would have to face and to deal with deficient as it, guru Indian Paramahansa Iogananda, responsible for introducing the cult ioga and to the philosophical way for the integration of the being – in U.S.A. and from there for ocidente, the founder of the Society of Philosophical Research of Los Angeles, Manly P. Hall, geneticista H.J.
Webber, the entrepreneur David Fairchild, among others, had been in Santa Rosa to lose the breath when seeing Burbank working. Fairchild would come to affirm: ' ' It has who says that it is not nothing scientific. But this is only truth in terms. It wanted to make as much thing, if he in such a way fascinated with the desire to create, that nor always he was worried in writing down the steps that deu' '.