The measure that the interchange of electronic data between the organizations grows with the corporative Inter nets, the lesser chances become each time. The tools techniques that the technology of the information supplies have become indispensable the basic operations of all the operational functions. Either politics of insurances, either the planning of fond of raw material for producing centers, or still the remittance of packages for saw express, the computer science tools if they had transformed virtually into the basic functions that the people use to work manually. (BERTGES, 2006, P. 03). Of permanent form, the organizations search if to adjust and if to adjust between its functions and internal daily operations and the real necessities and effective of the internal and/or external environment where they are inserted, by means of decisions and action of its managers. They constantly need to carry through its reorganization, reorganization, flexibilizao, adaptation and modification of form politics, economic and social, to continue increasing gifts and in the market business-oriented.
(REZENDE, 2002). is in this context that if strengthens the paper of YOU that, well it will have been planned and structuralized well can contribute in this adequacy providing to the administrators an environment with opportune information and personalized knowledge. This direction, Rezende (2002, P. 21) it believes that ' ' the alignment between businesses and technology of the information (YOU) is directed only in the integration of the strategical plans of business and the TI' '. Being thus, to perfect the use of YOU in the companies it is necessary to have a technological innovation. 4,1 TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION AND ENTERPRISE INTELLIGENCE the process of technological innovation involves the development and the introduction of tools derived from the knowledge for which the people interact with its environment. The technological innovation is process for which an idea or invention is transposed for the economy, that is, it covers the passage that goes since this idea, making use of existing or searched technologies for in such a way, until the creation of the new product or service and in the rank in availability for the consumption or use.